Today we're taking Talking Tiny Toys back to 2006. The Super Hero Squad line started in 2006 and immediately caught my attention. I'm a sucker for stylized figures and ended up buying 3 out of 4 sets of wave #1. They happened to be X-men, which made my decision that much easier. Flash forward to 2008 and these cartoonish, child friendly toys (the recommended age is 3+) are already in their 11th wave and have covered characters from most of Marvel's properties. Today we're taking a look at Cyclops and Marvel Girl (Rachel Summers).

Now, I'm a huge X-men fan and you'll probably get sick of the number of mutants covered on this blog, but I will admit that these two characters are not my favourites. Cyclops has never really held my interest. I'm not anti-Cyclops by any means. There have been (and currently are) interesting stories told about him. He's a staple to the X-men roster. He's just not a character I would go out of my way to find toys of. Granted, I probably half half a dozen or more Cyclops' (Cyclopses? Cyclopsi?) in my collection but that just kind of...happened.